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Epilepsy  •   June 26, 2015   •  By Emma Breedon

Emmerdale runs Ashley Thomas Epilepsy Storyline

In the latest storyline from Emmerdale, Vicar Ashley Thomas has developed Epilepsy.

Emmerdale, which attracts a regular audience of around 5 million viewers will be a fantastic opportunity to help raise awareness of a condition that affects over 600,000 people. What’s interesting about this story line is that fact that Ashley was given a wrist worn epilepsy sensor this week that will raise an alert if he has another seizure. Ashley Thomas has actually been given an EpiCare Epilepsy sensor, which he can wear as he goes about his day to day business.

The Epi-Care epilepsy alarm has been a revelation for many clients with epilepsy in the UK. The Danish Care product is retailed by Epilepsy Alarms to customers across the UK.

Epi-Care Epilepsy Alarm (mobile version)

The sensor connects to the user’s android mobile via bluetooth. The Epi-Care app on the phone activates within 7-10 seconds of a seizure occurring and alerts carers by phone and SMS. The text message contains the GPS location of the user at the time of the seizure. You can also link the Epi-Care app to a 24/7 control centre such as Telecare24, where the care team will follow a pre-agreed set of procedures if a seizure is detected. This is ideal for people with a relatively high level of independence.

Epi-Care Epilepsy Alarm (pager version)

This version links up with pager and is ideal for patients that live in care homes and other similar facilities. The sensor will raise an alert within around 7-10 seconds of a seizure occurring, alerting staff who carry the pager with them. The pager can be alerted up to 400m away from the sensor.

If clients generally spend a lot of time in their own home then this version of the Epi-Care device could be ideal. The wrist sensor can be connected to a careline alarm which will call the Telecare24 24/7 monitoring service within 10 seconds of a seizure occurring. The care team will know who the client is and that a seizure is in progress. The care team will then follow a pre-agreed set of protocols to provide the best level of care and support for the patient.

With these three versions of the Epi-Care sensor available it will be interesting to watch Emmerdale over the coming weeks to see if, in fact, Ashley experiences any further seizures and exactly what part the Epi-Care sensor plays in his support. Keep watching!

About The Author

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Emma Breedon

Emma joined Epilepsy Alarms UK in its infancy and has been vital in shaping the service into what it is today. As Customer Care Manager, Emma epitomises the company's core values and provides an ethic... Read More

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