November 14, 2014   •  By Emma Breedon

Could this be the cure for epilepsy?

Here at Epilepsy Alarms UK we are confident that our alarms can help many people with Epilepsy lead independent lives safe with the peace of mind that our alarms are there to help should they have a seizure.  We love nothing more than reading stories of new research and innovation into the condition itself.

During a time when Christopher Nolan’s love story to science and the human spirit, Interstellar, is riding high in the box office and the Rosetta mission to land on a comet,  It is a good time to celebrate the progress we have made in understanding conditions such as Epilepsy, and looking forward to a future where we can find further treatments or even a cure for epilepsy and a vast number of other conditions.

This week two exciting stories have grabbed our attention.  The first is this story, of a new device that can read brainwaves.  Scientists believe that by measuring brainwaves of a person with Epilepsy, they can predict a when a seizure is about to occur and automatically administer anti-seizure medication.  Whilst such a cure may be some time away, the advancement of our understanding of our bodies and how we can overcome the obstacles that nature has placed before us.

The second story comes from Science Daily and tells of research into the genetic causes of Epilepsy.  Previously, the wide-held view of many scientists and doctors was that Epilepsy was caused by damage or injury to the brain.  The director of genome informatics at Scripps Translational Science Institute said “[These findings] also might have a role as a diagnostic biomarker for this condition, and they could help to direct the discovery and testing of new drugs to treat epilepsy.”

As it is a Friday this Epilepsy Alarms UK blog is going to end on a joke… a corny joke that is more likely to make you groan than to laugh, but should serve as a reminder that, no matter how dark times may be, our sense of humour is our greatest weapon.

About The Author

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Emma Breedon

Emma joined Epilepsy Alarms UK in its infancy and has been vital in shaping the service into what it is today. As Customer Care Manager, Emma epitomises the company's core values and provides an ethic... Read More

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